A00-A28.1 Certain Infectious and Parasitic diseases
(A00–A09) Intestinal infectious diseases |
A00 |
Cholera |
A01 |
Typhoid and paratyphoid fevers |
A01.0 |
Typhoid fever |
Infection due to Salmonella typhi |
A01.1 |
Paratyphoid fever A |
A01.2 |
Paratyphoid fever B |
A01.3 |
Paratyphoid fever C |
A01.4 |
Paratyphoid fever, unspecified |
A02 |
Other Salmonella infections |
A03 |
Shigellosis |
A03.0 |
Shigellosis due to Shigella dysenteriae |
A03.1 |
Shigellosis due to Shigella flexneri |
A03.2 |
Shigellosis due to Shigella boydii |
A03.3 |
Shigellosis due to Shigella sonnei |
A03.8 |
Other shigellosis |
A03.9 |
Shigellosi unspecified |
Bacillary dysentery NOS |
A04 |
Other bacterial intestinal infections |
A04.0 |
Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli infection |
A04.1 |
Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli infection |
A04.2 |
Enteroinvasive Escherichia coli infection |
A04.3 |
Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli infection |
A04.4 |
Other intestinal Escherichia coli infections |
A04.5 |
Campylobacter enteritis |
A04.6 |
Enteritis due to Yersinia enterocolitica |
A04.7 |
Enterocolitis due to Clostridium difficile |
Pseudomembranous colitis |
A04.8 |
Other specified bacterial intestinal infections |
A04.9 |
Bacterial intestinal infection, unspecified Bacterial enteritis NOS |
A05 |
Other bacterial foodborne intoxications |
A05.0 |
Foodborne staphylococcal intoxication |
A05.1 |
Botulism |
A05.2 |
Foodborne Clostridium perfringens (Clostridium welchii) intoxication |
A06 |
Amoebiasis |
A06.0 |
Acute amoebic dysentery |
A06.1 |
Chronic intestinal amoebiasis |
A06.2 |
Amoebic nondysenteric colitis |
A06.3 |
Amoeboma of intestine |
A06.4 |
Amoebic liver abscess |
A06.5 |
Amoebic lung abscess |
A06.6 |
Amoebic brain abscess |
A06.7 |
Cutaneous amoebiasis |
A06.8 |
Amoebic infection of other sites |
A06.9 |
Amoebiasis, unspecified |
A07 |
Other protozoal intestinal disease |
A07.0 |
Balantidiasis |
A07.1 |
Giardiasis (lambliasis) |
A04.9 |
Bacterial intestinal infection, unspecified |
A07.2 |
Cryptosporidiosis |
A07.3 |
Isosporiasis |
A07.8 |
Other specified protozoal intestinal diseases Intestinal trichomoniasis Sarcocystosis Sarcosporidiosis |
A07.9 |
Protozoal intestinal disease, unspecified |
A08 |
Viral and other specified intestinal infections |
A08.0 |
Rotaviral enteritis |
A09 |
Diarrhoea and gastroenteritis of presumed infectious origin |
(A15–A19) Tuberculosis |
A15 |
Respiratory tuberculosis, bacteriologically and histologically confirmed |
A16 |
Respiratory tuberculosis, not confirmed bacteriologically or histologically |
A17 |
Tuberculosis of nervous system |
A17.0 |
Tuberculous meningitis |
A17.1 |
Meningeal tuberculoma |
A17.8 |
Other tuberculosis of nervous system |
A17.9 |
Tuberculosis of nervous system, unspecified |
A18 |
Tuberculosis of other organs |
A18.0 |
Tuberculosis of bones and joints |
A18.1 |
Tuberculosis of genitourinary system |
A18.2 |
Tuberculous peripheral lymphadenopathy |
A18.3 |
Tuberculosis of intestines, peritoneum and mesenteric glands |
A18.4 |
Tuberculosis of skin and subcutaneous tissue Scrofuloderma |
A18.5 |
Tuberculosis of eye |
A18.6 |
Tuberculosis of ear |
A18.7 |
Tuberculosis of adrenal glands |
A18.8 |
Tuberculosis of other specified organs |
A19 |
Miliary tuberculosis |
A20–A28 Certain zoonotic bacterial diseases |
A20 |
Plague |
A20.0 |
Bubonic plague |
A20.1 |
Cellulocutaneous plague |
A20.2 |
Pneumonic plague |
A20.3 |
Plague meningitis |
A20.7 |
Septicaemic plague |
A20.8 |
Other forms of plague |
A20.9 |
Plague, unspecified |
A21 |
Tularaemia |
A22 |
Anthrax |
A23 |
Brucellosis |
A24 |
Glanders and melioidosis |
A24.0 |
Glanders |
A24.1 |
acute and fulminating melioidosis |
A24.2 |
Subacute and chronic melioidosis |
A24.3 |
(A24.3) Other melioidosis |
A24.4 |
Whitmore's disease |
A25 |
Rat-bite fevers |
A25.0 |
Spirillosis |
A25.1 |
Streptobacillosis |
A25.9 |
Rat-bite fever, unspecified |
A26 |
Erysipeloid |
A27 |
Leptospirosis |
A28 |
Other zoonotic bacterial diseases, not elsewhere classified |
A28.0 |
Pasteurellosis |
A28.1 |
Cat-scratch disease |