Mental and behavioural disorders
(F60–F69) Disorders of adult personality and behaviour |
F60 |
Specific personality disorders |
F60.0 |
Paranoid personality disorder |
F60.1 |
Schizoid personality disorder |
F60.2 |
Dissocial personality disorder Antisocial personality disorder |
F60.3 |
Emotionally unstable personality disorder Borderline personality disorder |
F60.4 |
Histrionic personality disorder |
F60.5 |
Anankastic personality disorder Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder |
F60.6 |
Anxious (avoidant) personality disorder |
F60.7 |
Dependent personality disorder |
F60.8 |
Other specific personality disorders Eccentric personality disorder Haltlose personality disorder Immature personality disorder Narcissistic personality disorder Passive-aggressive personality disorder Psychoneurotic personality disorder |
F60.9 |
Personality disorder not otherwise specified|Personality disorder unspecified |
F61 |
Mixed and other personality disorders |
F62 |
Enduring personality changes, not attributable to brain damage and disease |
F63 |
Habit and impulse disorders |
F63.0 |
Pathological gambling |
F63.1 |
Pathological fire-setting (pyromania) |
F63.2 |
Pathological stealing (kleptomania) |
F63.3 |
Trichotillomania |
F63.8 |
Other habit and impulse disorders Intermittent Explosive Disorder |
F64 |
Gender identity disorders |
F64.0 |
Transsexualism |
F64.1 |
Dual-role transvestism |
F64.2 |
Gender identity disorder of childhood |
F65 |
Disorders of sexual preference |
F65.0 |
Sexual fetishism |
F65.1 |
Fetishistic transvestism |
F65.2 |
Exhibitionism |
F65.3 |
Voyeurism |
F65.4 |
Paedophilia |
F65.5 |
Sadomasochism |
F65.6 |
Multiple disorders of sexual preference |
F65.8 |
Other disorders of sexual preference Frotteurism Necrophilia Zoophilia |
F66 |
Psychological and behavioural disorders associated with sexual development and orientation |
F66.0 |
Sexual maturation disorder |
F66.1 |
Ego-dystonic sexual orientation |
F66.2 |
Sexual relationship disorder |
F66.8 |
Other psychosexual development disorders |
F66.9 |
Psychosexual development disorder, unspecified |
F68 |
Other disorders of adult personality and behaviour |
F68.0 |
Elaboration of physical symptoms for psychological reasons |
F68.1 |
Intentional production or feigning of symptoms or disabilities, either physical or psychological (factitious disorder) Munchausen syndrome |
F68.8 |
Other specified disorders of adult personality and behaviour |
F69 |
Unspecified disorder of adult personality and behaviour |
(F70–F79) Mental retardation |
F70 |
Mild mental retardation |
F71 |
Moderate mental retardation |
F72 |
Severe mental retardation |
F73 |
Profound mental retardation |
F78 |
Other mental retardation |
F79 |
Unspecified mental retardation |
(F80–F89) Disorders of psychological development |
F80 |
Specific developmental disorders of speech and language |
F80.0 |
Specific speech articulation disorder |
F80.1 |
Expressive language disorder |
F80.2 |
Receptive language disorder Receptive aphasia |
F80.3 |
Acquired aphasia with epilepsy (Landau-Kleffner) |
F80.8 |
Other developmental disorders of speech and language Lisping |
F80.9 |
Developmental disorder of speech and language, unspecified |
F81 |
Specific developmental disorders of scholastic skills |
F81.0 |
Specific reading disorder Developmental dyslexia |
F81.1 |
Specific spelling disorder |
F81.2 |
Specific disorder of arithmetical skills Developmental acalculia Gerstmann syndrome |
F81.3 |
Mixed disorder of scholastic skills |
F81.8 |
Other developmental disorders of scholastic skills |
F81.9 |
Developmental disorder of scholastic skills, unspecified |
F82 |
Specific developmental disorder of motor function Developmental coordination disorder |
F83 |
Mixed specific developmental disorders |
F84 |
Pervasive developmental disorders |
F84.0 |
Childhood autism |
F84.1 |
Atypical autism |
F84.2 |
Rett's syndrome |
F84.3 |
Other childhood disintegrative disorder |
F84.4 |
Overactive disorder associated with mental retardation and stereotyped movements |
F84.5 |
Asperger syndrome |
F88 |
Other disorders of psychological development |
F89 |
Unspecified disorder of psychological development |